What's my target date?


11 Years
Dec 31, 2009
Central Florida
I set some coturnix eggs at 4pm on January 22. I have had consistant temperatures at 100. I candled the eggs at day 7, discarded the eggs that lit up and the one that stunk.

So... when will I start hearing peeps?
The same date that my coturnix should hatch! Except mine went in four hours earlier. Should be due between the 7th and the 9th. Some people have them hatch out in 18 days (the 9th), but I've always had them hatch out in 16 days (the 7th).
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Are your eggs moving at all? My husband hatched quails as a kid. He said he remembers the eggs rolling around the incubator just prior to hatch. Mine aren't rolling...

A little nervous, never done quail before.
I just turn my autoturner off. I leave them in the turning racks. I did have some issues with this batch of BQ eggs though, a LOT of them were zipping at the narrow end. Not sure why they were so goofy.
...alot of them were zipping at the narrow end. Not sure why?........

You're over-cooking them. turn your temp down about 1/2 to 1 degree f.
When coturnix are incubated at a higher temp they hatch early.... If they are early then they havent had time to properly re-position in the egg prior to pipping. Also if they dont have a high enough humidity then they may not have enough amniotic fluid in the egg to allow movement within the egg.

With most gamebird speces "The cooler the wetter the better" Meaning roughly if you have to choose lower temps and higher humidity will result in a better hatch than higher temps and lesser humidity.
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What's weird is that this hatch was on the lower end. Usually it's like 99.7, sometimes up to 100.1 or so. This hatch was sometimes in the high 98's. It may have been on the drier side though (dryer?), this house is no where near as humid as the apartment (where I did all of my other hatches). I had to keep up with the humidity in it. That's probably what it was, the amniotic fluid.
At least I know now. Thanks!

P.S. - The eggs aren't pipped yet, but I can hear at least one egg crunching around in there (I only checked one egg).

ETA: Nevermind, they are pipping. At least two are pipped.
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Check them! Lol. I had to come on to see if you had anything yet, and you didn't even check! It should be the first thing you do, even before going potty! Lol. I have six pips.

P.S. - Is it just a little bit weird to have had a dream about the eggs hatching last night?
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