What's on my hen's chest/belly??


Apr 26, 2017
Some flock background:
I have a flock of 5 chickens: 3- 3 year old, red sex links and 2- 3 year old Wyandottes. They are fenced in a half acre, lightly wooded yard. They are never shut in the coop and roost on my deck railing against the house at night. They have pellets available at all times and eat all table scraps that are chicken safe. They have an automatic, open waterer that I clean every 2 weeks. I have never wormed them or administered any medications as I have had no major issues other than a sour crop and egg misfire internally.

One of the Red sex links has the following issues:
-a red, dry, scaly looking spot on the ridge on her belly
- it looks like it's dry but doesn't feel like it's dry (if that makes sense)
-some feathers are missing in the area
- she is a little thinner than the other 2 red sex links but, I think it has always been that way
-finding a soft ended egg every now and then that has broken in the nest
-seems like 1 or 2 chickens may not be laying right now
-this slow in egg production only began 3 weeks ago; before that all red sex links laid daily
-she is NOT broody right now; has been broody a couple times in her life
-she has had NO other health issues in her 3 year life

I did research and thought, maybe it's mites so I dusted her and the other 4 girls with diatomaceous earth. My 5 girls don't sleep in the coop; they roost on my 18ft high deck railing at night but, I completely tore apart the coop just in case. I pulled out all straw, dusted all surfaces with more d.e. and put down fresh straw. I didn't see any evidence of mites as I was cleaning out the coop. Matter of fact, there was very little bug activity and no evidence of mice living there.

I looked at the other 4 girls and only one other chicken was missing feathers on her belly. She only had a small red scaly area in a sloppy ring shape similar to a ringworm mark in humans. She also had scaly skin around the red area. Now her red area is gone and she just has the dry looking, scaly skin where the feathers are missing.

All 5 have plump, red combs, healthy appetites and their stools look normal. It may be something as simple as molting that I just never noticed before. I just would greatly appreciate the opinion of more experienced chicken owners, as this is my first flock...and I love them dearly

I've posted some pictures of her chest/belly. Please excuse the jealous Pomeranian with the icy, black stare in the background

Thank you for any ideas or responses!


I don't actually know I'm afraid but can make some suggestions. Her chest bone does look quite sharp to me and I was wondering if it could be pressing on her perch causing bruising/pressure marks (my girls are fat little pekins so maybe I'm just not used to the breed). As she has lost condition I would worm her and treat her with ivomectin as a precaution (I buy a product called harkamectin designed for pigeons - I am in the UK) If it is ring worm maybe a human antifungal cream would work but I'd check with a vet that it is safe for birds. Hope someone can give you a more definite answer soon.
Thank you for your post Bossom-hen! I did not think much of that ridge until I read your post.. I researched further and found out its called a keel bone in chickens. Apparently, the keel bone should not be protruding so much that you can feel and see it so well. She is eating and drinking just as much as the other hens so she shouldn't be so much smaller than them. I'm taking your good advice and I'm going to worm her and the rest of her sisters. Will update with her progress!

And on a side note, Pekins are lovely birds:)

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