What's the best way to pick up a rooster?


12 Years
Mar 9, 2011
I have a year old adopted rooster who was pretty friendly with his previous owner, but he was very protective of his hens. He's been pretty good with me, but he gave me that "look" today that made me a bit uneasy. I know I need to trim his spurs and get him used to me, but how? Should I just go up behind him and pick him up? Should I wear gloves? I don't know this guy very well and am not sure how he'll react. I want to make sure he knows that I'm in charge, but right now I think he thinks he's in charge! The hens are only 4.5 weeks old and in a dog crate in his coop, but he can't get to them yet. Thoughts from more experienced people please!
when ever I have to handle my roo for spur trimming i always do it at night.. go into the coop and flick on the red light and i will hold him and hubby will trim away... we use this same method for clipping wings... with most its like they sleep through it... (they dont but they stay calm enough to do the job)
When I pick mine up I put my hand on his back and pin him to the ground, just so hes sitting and I have him securely. I pick him up by tucking him under my arm and holding his feet. He seems comfortable that way. It helps to hold him to show him your dominate.
I think both were excellent suggestions!
If you want this rooster to "know who's boss" you need to handle him more often than just spur trimming. If it puts you at ease to do so, go in at night and trim or remove those spurs. After that you need to spend a little time with him at least a couple afternoon/evenings a week, about when they fly up to roost. Rub his crop, hold him, give treats. I grab mine like a football, supporting the breastbone but leaving their feet dangle. Grip over top of the wings when you first grab him. If you are treating wounds or working on spurs you tuck the head under your arm so their face peeks out behind you. Also a good way to look the tail area over for mites etc.

If your birds get handled some on a regular basis it really makes things easier when you face bathing everyone for lice, or treating a big wound.
Hey, thanks for posting the question and for all who have replied with suggestions. Our bantam rooster was delivered with freshly trimmed spurs, but I have already been fretting about how to do it when it's time.

Yesterday I wondered if it was possible to do it at night.

Thanks everyone!
You can just twist the spur caps right off rather than trimming them. No or very little blood. Use strong fingers or a pair of pliers, twist back and forth a bit right at the base and they will pop right off. There is a You-Tube video on it somewhere. Will try to find it.

Found it:
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I handle my roosters at night, after they've gone to roost. Then I just pick them up like I would any other chicken, holding them football style.
Easy peazy and don't forget to give them a treat when you're finished aggravating them.
u dont need to do it at night. just run up and grab a leg or both if u can. hang em upside down till theyre calm. by both legs. and then hold em football style. dont be scared. theyre animals lol
Sorry, but I disagree. Holding a chicken upside down can be dangerous if not done properly. A chickens anatomy is not like ours. Their lungs are more towards their back. Hold em upside down and not be super careful, they can smother to death.

I'm not the least bit afraid of my roosters. I just find it less stressful to them to handle them at night.
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