What's the most annoying internet / texting abbreviation or word?


10 Years
Jul 7, 2009
Seattle, Washington
I vote for "pwn3d!"

Or using "teh" for "the" [intentional]

Others "slanguage" from these whippersnappers on their new-fangled innerwebs that bugs ya?

Or that makes you ROTFL?

Your favorite?

[edit typo]
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What does "pwn3d!" even mean?

I also don't understand teh. I guess I am getting older..........
May I have a 'Text to English' Translation guide, please?
Or can you just allow me to continue chipping words onto my stone tablet with my trusty chisel?

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pwn3d = owned

Comes from 1137 speak, or gaming chat talk, I can read it, & type it.

AYBABTU, fun to use, but it requires explaining old games, bad translations and such, and then no one gets it anyways.
'I JK!' out loud. Everyone looks and laughs..but starts doing it themselves.

The one that gets me is FML. What could be SO bad about your life you have to curse it?
LOL really bugs me when it is abused.
Here is an example.
What are you doing? LOL
Working! LOL
LOL! I hate working. LOL
me 2 LOL
I m hungry LOL
Well go eat LOL
LOL I am going to LOL

Ok if someone is going around insanely LAUGHING OUT LOUD before and after everything they say they are going to be led away to a place where they can rest quietly in a room with padded walls.

Must we LOL so much?I have found myself saying "hehe" which has really started to bug me 2. I may start using IAA. I am amused.
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I just hate when they add a billion letters to Lol, such as "ROTFLMBSBOSMOMN"

Yes, that was actually texted to me. When I asked, I was told it meant "rolling on the floor laughing my big shiny butt off and shooting milk out my nose."

Um, really? I mean, Ya don't think lol would've sufficed? Heck, it would have been shorter to simply type, "That's funny."

Of course, most overly long lols are not quite that intricate, but they're still annoying.
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