Whats the most humane way to kill a chicken?

I use a kill cone, but instead of making small cuts, I use a string to pull down the chickens head so the neck is exposed and i have a larger surface to aim at. Then one good whack with a razor sharp cleaver. Head falls, body stays on the cone with the feet wrapped so it doesnt beat move much.

I had bad luck with quite a few methods and i found the kill cone / cleaver method for me to work fast and efficiently for me.
Another effective means is prescription pain killers.
The chicken will still feel that brief instant of pain, but you won't care, because you'll be feeling extremely swell.

I have to go along with this suggestion.
I've come to the conclusion that the "most humane way" is the way that's least traumatic for YOU.
I mean, once you've decide to end the life on another living creature, does it really matter whether it's a guillotine, bullet to the head, or breaking its neck? Dead is dead...
Another effective means is prescription pain killers.
The chicken will still feel that brief instant of pain, but you won't care, because you'll be feeling extremely swell.
Wait....who gets the drugs? Me, or the bird? Or both?
I have to go along with this suggestion.
I've come to the conclusion that the "most humane way" is the way that's least traumatic for YOU.
I mean, once you've decide to end the life on another living creature, does it really matter whether it's a guillotine, bullet to the head, or breaking its neck? Dead is dead...
Amen to this.

Folks want to find a perfect, lovely way to sing the bird to sleep and have it simply drift off to death. or to willingly look in our eyes, say "I'm totally okay with you killing me so your family can eat. I willingly sacrifice myself, just make it quick."

Truth is, they don't want to die. Nothing wants to die. The body physically resists death, that's what the flapping and stuff is all about.

We do make it as quick and respectful as possible. There are several ways to do that, and the bird pretty much ends up dead with each of them. Mission accomplished, enchiladas for dinner.
After several not so pretty culls, I have found that hanging the bird upside-down and using the lopers (tree branch trimmers). One quick clip and done, with minimal flopping around. Seems instant.
If the hatchery nearby is killing roosters in an inhumane way, why not report them to the RSPCA or other authorities.

If the hatchery you refer to is killing roosters in an inhumane way why not report them to the RSPCA or other authorities?



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