What's the most likely culprit?


12 Years
Jul 16, 2007
Long Island NY
So I have a small coop for my young birds which has a wire bottom. I have been rotating babies in it from the spring on this year with no issues. Last night however it seems something went underneath it and chewed of some toes on 4 of my chicks. They must have been hanging through the wire floor or I don't see how else this could happen.

This is a picture of the coop with the older pullets which just got moved to my big coop.

These next pics are of 2 different chicks while we were soaking off the caked up dirt and cleaning their toes.

Anyone have any ideas what the most likely culprits could be?
sorry, our coop is elevated but the run is under it and 8 ft beyond so, the floor is 4x12 ft box made of 4x4 lumber so we stapled hardware cloth on the bottom. Buried it the 4in.
And filled it with course sand. Coop-run walls placed on this foundation.
Ahh I understand now
It's not rats. There are no rats here plenty of feral cat's keeping them away and it would be really tough for them to hang upside down from the wire while chewing. It's too high off the ground for a rat to stand and reach them. I would assume it was bit off in one bit because I can't imagine a chick staying in one place while its to is being chewed.
Night time is the BEST time for chicken thievery & murder so I would suggest a canine night watchman!! Must you put your dog up at night? He would be MOST useful at night! My guess about the culprit would also be raccoons b/c those crafty little hands can literally pull a chicken piece by piece through chicken wire...actually through almost anything except the smallest gauge hardware cloth & during an uninterrupted night 'coons would have plenty of time to eat your flock, a toe at a time.
1/2" mesh on the bottom?

I think a coon or a rat could hang off that...and small coon could reach thru it.

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