Whats the STORY behind your interesting CHICKEN NAMES?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 24, 2011
Hartsville, SC
Just had 4 tiny Seramas eggs in incubator.. grabbed up 2 eggs in one hand that had pipped ,but never zipped, to check if they were still alive. DROPPED ONE ON THE FLOOR!! It broke into a bunch of pieces, but the little chick somehow survied the whole ordeal. Guess what I named him???


Got an interesting story behind a chicken name?
None of my bird's names have a back story
. My ferret is named after a character from skins because of the personality similarities.
We used to have a rooster named 'Bobo' Which means - clown, silly, stupid etc.

Why? Because when he was a baby he would stray from his mom and squeeze through
the wire into a fence will two young roosters and get stuck.
We really like to name our chicks names that are specifically one gender or another. Then when we figure out gender we morph the names.

Balto became Baltadina
Max became Maxine
Ruby became Rudy
Sparkle became Spike
Mo became Monique
Curly stayed Curly
Larry became Laquisha
Dawn became Don
Princess Buttercup...well she stayed the same too.
and on and on.

It makes for fun names when you have to get creative and change the name to suit the chicken's gender.
We came up with GREAT names for our chickens BUT our Step son just HAD to name his chicken something stupid like Lady GaGa or Madonna, Or some girl singer...Katy Perry was in the running too....Husband and I were SO upset, we thought these were stupid names, so he decided on "Mumford" from the group Mumford and sons. At first we thought it was EVEN worse than Lady GaGa.....but then Mumford or Mummers started to grow, she was clumsy, for instance, while looking at us and walking, she would run into things....Or couldn't find her way out of the coop when the door was open and she had used it hundreds of times.....But she was THE sweetest chicken ever, she would let our special needs daughter swing her on the swing and we could carry her like a baby, and lots of other things! Mumfors we miss you!!!
Lots of mine have movie references from childhood favorites:
Henwyn = the black cauldron
Skeksies, Mystic, Fizzgig = dark crystal
Wookie, TanTan = star wars
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum= Alice in Wonderland
Black sheep = nursery rhyme
Raptor= Jurassic Park

Then there's Gash, who got a whole ripped out of his neck by a cat, but I saved him....SWEETEST BABY BOY EVER
And FEISTY, who I knew was a roo from week 1, and has ALWAYS postured and pecked at me (he knows NOW that I'm head rooster and not him...since he drew blood and I held him upside down)
This is Satan. I name my birds based on either the breed names or distinguishing characteristics. I named him Satan because he kinda looks like satan lol. Then I have 1 polish hen (Hattie because she is a polish lol), 1 salmon favorelle hen (Salmon), 1 jersey giant hen (Mary, cause she is black and I am a fan of Mary Shelley...so black= Frankenstein...makes sense to me anyways lol), 1 japenese/auracauna mix hen (Jappy)

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