What's the temperature where you are???

68ºF this morning, storms coming. The bullseye for severe weather is south of us.
For those in the path of, good luck, take care!
All the thunder and heavy rain woke me about 2pm, heavy wind too, my mail box is hanging at half staff. I can't see if I have any mail because every time the storm seems to have ceased it comes to life when I open the door.

Gutters must be plugged because water is running over the gutters instead of through them. Thanks to being surrounded by maple trees which drop everything around them. People next door have one leaning over my house but they got new bigger gutters & gutter covers so they aren't bothered. They also have down spouts running down the side towards my house. This is suburbia so houses are pretty close to each other.

Maybe renters are better off. My brother has a town house he is paying off. The assoc. does the gutters, the roof, the tiny patch of grass, snow clearance if 2 inches or more.
Of course there are hefty association dues. You just can't win.

Maybe caves would be better if the bears haven't claimed them. But no caves or bears out here (I hope).

So much for the American Dream I know many people have it far worse :hit

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