What's the temperature where you are???

I was thinking the same thing .feels much warmer without the wind . My 9 young hens could care less they lay 9 eggs a day
-6 feels like -12C with wind. And most our yard we don't feel that much! yippee yippee happy dance! So warm, the break we needed, time to get chicken separated and more pens built!
We are now -2C feels like -8c. So wonderful.
That from 4 days ago and couple weeks straight it being dangerous to be outside.
We are currently -10C (14F)....... -16F (3F)
But it's sunny and feels so nice out. If it could be like this for the rest of winter...that'd be the best Christmas present ever!

I even let the girls out for an hour yesterday! (Not that many went out)

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