What's the temperature where you are???

Again, 72 and 96% humidity.
Rain forecast for the afternoon.😒
Buffalo gnats swarming.
This is sad, so read no further if you want all sunshine.

The gnats killed a beautiful hen. 🥺 A big dark brahma.
I heard my rooster, and ran around to the side house. I was afraid it was another racoon. (We killed one that had either distemper or rabies.)
Nan, the hen, was floppy around on the carport. Black gnats were everywhere. When I touched her the gnats were coming out of her nose and mouth.
I grabbed my rooster that was with her. He was making the "predator is here" noise.
I had to bathe him and put antibiotic salve all over his comb. He looks a mess. I did the same with the second rooster.
They seem to be worse on the dark and black hens and on the roosters' wattles.
I've never seen anything like this! I have little red blister bites all over my arms. I've powdered them all with poultry dust. I've used two bottles of Martin's horse spray and have 3 fans running in the runs.
Hoping for a better day and fewer gnats!
So sorry about your hen!
I feel for the gal that posted they had snow in Montana yesterday.
Our house isnt big, 3 pieces of wood takes the chill off and leaves a nice bed of colas
I had the grand baby today, she is just one year old and shows up with short sleeves and no coat or sweater! Drives me nuts! I made a fire which was ok because it keeps the damp from taking over but a one year old needs to run around not be trapped in a blanket all day. Sorry, venting...

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