What's the temperature where you are???

Today was a SPLENDID day šŸ˜Š 20C mix of sun and cloud and no rain!

My barn swallows have returned and my young Roo Bert who was hatched during the winter was freaking out and calling the hens to safely - they ignored him - poor guy! They know the barn swallows - Bert will figure it out šŸ˜Š but it sure was funny watching him try to warn the girls! He is turning into a wonderful Roo like his Dada.
Storming here again.
Texas Hurricane GIF
Ahh! So no frost, no freezes. Lucky you! But I would imagine your summer temps would be very hot.

My summer temps get to 35C and even 40C, for daytime highs, and itā€™s quite humid here. Winters usually around -20C about, during the day, down to -30 and even -40c at night. Except this winter - if it got down to -10c a few times thatā€™s about as cold, mostly around the feeezimg mark - and hardly no snow.

Which was fine by me!
hahaha no snow ever if fine with me! I can't even fathom -20 or colder. The nearest serious winter snow to me is about 4hrs away. We get a few frosts, but no icy roads etc. Each year I get a photo of the frozen dew on my car window, usually in late August. I remember running around leaving footprints on my grandparents frosty white lawn, it would crunch underfoot. They lived a 15min drive south of me. Dad said snow would fall at Robertson, a rural township less than an hour from Wollongong, a very popular weekend drive, famous for it's potatoes and meat pies. He said buses would take all the local lake kids up the pass to play in it. Robertson still gets snow. I might take the dogs up this winter and see what they think of it lol

Thursday 2nd May 10.57a.m. Patchy cloud increasing, light rain o'nite. 11.1 / 16.7kph SSW, Hg 58%, 17.8C / 64.2F top of 19C / 66F. Showers. Hazardous surf warning.

Moon is 43.6%

Perth's hot, dry conditions blamed for 100 turtle deaths at Bibra Lake wetlands​

16 hours ago​


Wildlife rescuers have collected dozens of dead turtles from the drying Bibra Lake. (ABC News: Ruby Littler)

Record-breaking heat and drying wetlands have been blamed for the death of more than 100 turtles native to Western Australia, with wildlife authorities now in a race to protect the reptiles.

Bibra Lake in Perth's southern suburbs has in the past been a safe haven for the southwestern snake-necked turtles, but the animals have been forced to relocate due to the wetland becoming near-bone dry.

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