What's the weirdest thing your chickens like to eat?

bacon, couscous ,green tree frogs, the rock crabs or whatever they're called that make pillars of dirt all over the yard (they play football, then tug-o-war with the crabs
), chex mix... pretty much anything but the black snakes around here lol I gave them a couple of the TGI friday's mozzarella sticks (the over priced cheese doodles) yesterday and they went nuts

Seriously. One of the cats brought one into the house and was playing with it, so my son took it outside and threw it for the other cats to kill....the chickens beat the cats to it, and wouldn't let the cats anywhere near it. One chicken ran around the yard with that mouse for over an hour. She wouldn't let the cats or any other chicken near it!
The stuff mentioned that is processed food, do you not worry about the salt in it? Like the nacho cheese and chex mix? I have tossed some things like that that I thought maybe they shouldnt eat, but I will if its ok.

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