What's with the pajamas?


Broody Magician
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 3, 2009
New Jersey
OK, admittedly I am an old guy who has never been into fashion/style, (I have, some shirts that are nearly 50 years old), but what's with the public wearing of pajamas? More and more folks are walking the roads around here in the AM with their PJs on. It appears that silk is the garment of choice. Is this a new fashion trend? Why? I would be arrested if I walked the streets in my bedtime attire. A birthday suit leaves nothing to the imagination.
I find them LAZY to change into clothes that are so sloppy and tasteless. Some stores are starting to get a heads up about it, refusing service to those who wore no shoes, no shirts and PJs and some went as far as "pull up your pants, young man" from one old shop lady LOL!
Okay, stop flaming the Walmart shoppers, sheesh. I shop there because I can't afford to shop elsewhere, for cripes sake.

I was a realtor for years. I sold a $300,000 house and my admittedly quirky buyer paid with CASH and showed up to the closing in PJs. So there.
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Spook still has a closet full of his Disco clothes.
Just waiting on disco to come back..I'm ready.

And like Sour, I have no ideal why someone would
choose to wear their pj's everywhere. Silly people.
Wonder if they change their jammies to go to bed?

I would say the oldest thing in my closet is my high-school
graduation gown. Been there since 19-- (really long time)
Not going to lie... I have been known to stay in my PJ's while taking care of my Chickens in the morning..
Sometimes I don't change until 10:00 ;) it's an on going joke in my house....:lol:

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