What's wrong with her eggs.


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Tampa, Florida
I have a Red Star, and for the past few days her eggs look discolored. She is also having a hard time laying and doesn't use the nest box anymore but layers where and when she can.
I would appreciate any advise on this matter. Pictures are below and click on photo to enlarge them.
Thank you all.

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there is a thread on here somewhere. someone else had the same question and was told the chicken is either lacking something in the diet or is getting too much of something in diet. i'd look around for it on here. good luck
The eggs look normal to me. We get eggs like that pretty often.

As for the "where" issue, that might be a problem of bullying from other hens or not enough nesting boxes.

BTW, my post may have been the one the PP was referencing - https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=323872 - but it sounds like my situation is very different from yours. My sex-link has started to lay eggs w/o shells.
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Can you elaborate more re: her having a hard time laying?
How old is she, what is her diet, is oyster shell available and does she seem to be eating, drinking and pooping well?
She eat and drinks with no problem. She eats Manna Pro egg layers, oyster shell and grit. All my birds are on the same diet. They are 9 months old and healthy as horses. The reason she is not laying in the nest box all the time is that she is having a hard time laying her eggs. So when I let them out to free range (no chemicals, etc) she finds a spot she feels comfortable. They eat grass a bugs as they please. I give them a hand full of scratch for them to peck at while they are out running around. They all have plenty of water and food at all times. I don't give them table scraps it seems to give them runny stools. As of now no diarrhea or soft stools. She is the only one that has this problem. One of her eggs had a broken yolk when I opened it. I never heard of that before either.
Hope I've given you some useful information and Thanks.
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