What's wrong with her eye?


6 Years
Oct 12, 2017
High Desert, S. CA.
She's 12 weeks old, and her eyes are looking bad. Just noticed it a couple days ago. What do I need to treat her with?

Bug's eye.PNG
We had several birds get like a cold and we could hear them sound like coughing and their eyes swollen up and I though they would loose that eye so we took ours to the vet and he recognized it right off. He gave us TYLAN and use 1 gram per gallon of water. All my chickens cleared up in about 10 days.
Are there any other symptoms, such as sneezing or labored breathing? Do you know if her eyes were pecked or if she is suffering from a respiratory infection? Can you clean the eyes and the crusts around the eyes with saline? Get some Terramycin eye ointment from the feed store, and put a small dot into the eyes twice a day. It looks like she could be suffering from a possible respiratory disease, such as mycoplasma (MG, CRD.) Have you had her long, or added any enw birds recently?
We've had her for at least 6 weeks, and have not added any new birds since we got her sister. No sneezing or labored breathing. Don't know about any eye pecking because I can't watch her all the time. Yes, I have saline and will her eyes and around them. She's a little more listless, but still active.
Thank you, guys, for the replies! Well, I've gotten three different answers, so am not sure which way to go. I was a vet tech for many years, but we only worked on dogs and cats. I've only had chickens for a few months, and know very little about them. I checked her sister over just now, and she's just beginning to get it too. I just flushed their eyes with sterile eye drops. Any more opinions on which of these three options I've been advised on? Drug store is closed now, so I'm going to get whatever I need first thing in the morning. Thanks so much!
Are there any other symptoms, such as sneezing or labored breathing? Do you know if her eyes were pecked or if she is suffering from a respiratory infection? Can you clean the eyes and the crusts around the eyes with saline? Get some Terramycin eye ointment from the feed store, and put a small dot into the eyes twice a day. It looks like she could be suffering from a possible respiratory disease, such as mycoplasma (MG, CRD.) Have you had her long, or added any enw birds recently?
Any chance you could look at my recent to see if this is the same with mine!!
Chicksonline, I obviously don't know what's wrong with mine, but I have ordered Colloidal Silver drops from Amazon as per Goldenrod's link above. It will be here in three days. I researched it extensively, and it's some powerful stuff. Is natural, but has antibiotic properties and helps the immune system. Sounds like it helps in many situations such as ours. You might want to get some, or order it if you can't find it. Keep me posted, and I'll do the same.
I would guess that you may be dealing with mild MG or mycoplasma gallisepticum. You may want to give them some Tylan 50 injectable, but give it orally to each pullet. Use a syringe and needle to withdraw the medicine, then remive the needle to give it to each sick pullet.Dosage is 1/4 ml per pound 3 times a day for 3-5 days. MG is a chronic respiratory disease spread by carrier birds and sometimes through hatching eggs. The terramycin eye ointment can also help. Both products are available at feed stores.

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