Whats Wrong With Him? (Update With Pictures)


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
Winchester, TN
I have a big barred rock rooster who I thought was a hen. Now I know he is a rooster because of his saddle feathers and wattles, his comb isn't that big for a rooster I think and I havn't ever seen him crow or mate a hen. Does he think that he is a hen? and is there any thing I can do to get off spring from him?

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He is around year and a half. The reason I asked if he thinks he is a hen is because I had a RIR hen that grow spurs. I havn't been getting any fertile eggs from his hens. And I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. Thanks for the responses.
my rir hen looks like that and she had a baby:)

edit: barred rock:)
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The coloring is male, the face is male (see how the skin is really red and sort of sags below the eye?) and often roosters can have rather small combs. Could be a boy.

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