What's wrong with my campine?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island
She is not standing up or moving around like normal. She is sitting or standing and has her eyes closed, but she eating and drinking. She seems very lethargic.
I made a little molasses water for her and she drank some. When I put her down she kind of flopped over.

She is only a few pounds and about 3-4 months old. (june 11th)

Any ideas???
Hmm, does she free range at all? Could she have eaten a poisonous plant or something? Or maybe she had a stroke.....does she appear to be weak on one side?
She is with 14 other hens- they are all fine. She is eating her feed and drinking and when they are walking around there is nothing unsafe for them. Her vent is moist and open, she is popping normal.
Why would she have a stroke at this age? Is that common? Is there anything I can do?
A possibility:
2 days ago I had an Ameraucana that was the same. No signs of anything, just seemed tired. I wormed her with ivomec that evening. By yesterday evening she was almost back to normal. The entire flock in that area is getting wormed this weekend.


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