What's wrong with my CL? Laying?


6 Years
Jan 8, 2017
My CL is just over 20 weeks old. She is acting really weird today. Her voice is hoarse. She is acting frantic. Pacing, panting, squeaking. Also for the first time today she has been in all the nest boxes. I'm hoping this is just a sign that she is about to lay and she not sick. She has the rest of the flock all riled up. They just know something is amiss. My youngest pullet buff Cochin is right by her side curiously watching her. I took several videos of her behavior. Here is one. Is this laying behavior or is she sick?
My CL is just over 20 weeks old. She is acting really weird today. Her voice is hoarse. She is acting frantic. Pacing, panting, squeaking. Also for the first time today she has been in all the nest boxes. I'm hoping this is just a sign that she is about to lay and she not sick. She has the rest of the flock all riled up. They just know something is amiss. My youngest pullet buff Cochin is right by her side curiously watching her. I took several videos of her behavior. Here is one. Is this laying behavior or is she sick?

Some birds are such drama queens and just want to make ovulation all about them!

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