What's wrong with my duck? Help!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 24, 2014
My female duck was acting fine till I got home this afternoon. When I let my ducks back out she immediately started quacking excessively and didn't go her straight run to the pond but a little off course. She's been quacking on and off for hours. She seemed panicked outside and was very on top of my ducks, like she almost went blind. When I let them back in just now she was walking kinda crooked and her neck was turned funny? She even let me walk up to her and pet her which she never does but took off once I touched her. I don't know what's wrong with her! She's acting normal other than that... She splashed around in the water and was foraging. Could she have went blind?? It's very bizarre!
You'd probably know if she was blind. It's the neck thing that bothers me. Is it bent? Is she holding it at a weird angle?

I've seen ducks quack incessantly when they were about to lay. Maybe she's eggbound. I really don't know. If it continues, I'd take her to the vet.
I don't think she's egg bound as she has been consistently laying and unfortunately my area has nothing when when it comes to vets that know about ducks.
She was holding it bent kind of hard to describe. I'm going to try to take a Photo.
Yes, please take a picture! I hope she's not in too much pain but if she's making that much noise, then...oh, I don't even want to think about it. :/ I can't believe there aren't any vets in the area. I know exotics can be tough to come by, but most vet offices can treat birds, at the very least. That just makes me wanna move there to start my own practice!! I wanna save your ducky!
I just checked on her and couldn't get a photo :( I did get a video tho. She's not as active. Shaking her head quite a bit and stumbled once. She also pooped a really light milk color. Like lighter hen skim milk. I don't know what's going on. I pray it's nothing contagious. And she's not quaking anymore.
I really appreciate your help. I'm petrified to see what I find in the am :( hopefully a cured duck :(
Oh no...the poor thing. ;; I'd still like to see the video but sadly I don't know what to tell you. It sounds like she might have a bad infection, or she may even be encephalitic if it's affecting her motor skills as much as you say they are. I'd quarantine her, make her comfortable in cse the worst happens. See if she'll eat some peas or other treats. Was the poop watery as milk as well, or just really light-colored?
I don't know how to upload a video from my phone :(
It was watery like milk too.

I was just told that maybe she has a tick??

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