What's wrong with my duckling?!


In the Brooder
Aug 25, 2015
last weekend our ducklings hatched from our chicken hen. 3 of them died. Now we have one strong duckling and one that will be almost 2 days old and still hasn't gotten up. We are getting very concerned for our baby. She is responsive and moves her legs and body around the most that she can but they seem to be futile to her. We rely want her to live!! Can someone please tell me what's wrong with my baby? Thank you in Advance.
I posted on the other thread - I would give Sav-A-Chick or Gro-Gel.  What is the temperature in their brooder?  Have you read the first post here https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/750869/raising-and-caring-for-ducklings#post_10611711

It's hard to say based off just this post. What are they eating?

She is doing MUCH MUCH better!! A chick that only a day ago, had no will to survive, is trying!! She seems to have much more control of her head and overall seems stronger. She still hasn't walked yet and I'm still assisting with food and water but I have positive thoughts towards her future!! I've used information from here and done some looking around. For Vitamin E I've been giving her 100% natural Olive Oil, Parsley soaked in water and been giving her the water as well as regular water and probiotic.

Now this last part I really hesitated on trying. A site told me soaked bread to give to my baby, and that since it would have already expanded she would eat too much. I soaked it in water and Olive Oil and soaked some regular food as well and mixed it in... A very strange looking mixture but she has gone far beyond my expectations on how it'd work. Keeping my fingers crossed!! I truly believe without this site my little one would be dead right now so bless all of you who help others like me on this site!!!

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