What's wrong with my egg?


Jun 27, 2015
I have two laying Americauna's and my daughter just brought me an egg that is covered with white spots. I read that it could be caused by stress and we did just add a new flock of 6 chicks to my 3 lady birds. I'm new to raising chickens and I appreciate your feedback. What's the problem and how can I fix it. Here's the picture. Egg on left is normal. Egg on right is spotty.

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I had this happen a while ago, and I was doing quite a bit of reading trying to find out what was going on. Come to find out, it's pretty normal actually. I'm not an expert, but from what I understand it's likely extra calcium, and your layer is still a healthy hen. Regular watering might help, or even cutting back a little on any calcium supplements (like oyster shell) outside of your regular feed. The calcium deposits are described (in an extreme example) in this thread:


I think your hen is still just fine, personally.
Some of my girls eggs look like this from time to time as well.
Thank you for your responses! That was the only egg to look so speckled. Every one since then has been normal. I guess she was feeling extra artistic.
and the only explanation I can come up with was the added stress from introducing new younger chickens into the group. I feel a lot better now!

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