What's wrong with my guinea's egg!?


5 Years
Aug 9, 2015
My guinea just started laying about a month ago and she's had normal eggs up until yesterday...yesterday the shell had tiny pits in it? Is there something i need to be doing to help this?

I feed layer crumbles (or pellets) and yes i supplement with oyster shells...I'm stumped :/
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Hopefully someone replies. I am reading that illness, old age, young age, and calcium deficiency can cause similar problems. Not ery helpful! How is she acting/eating/drinking?
She seems fine, she's with 2 other male guineas 4 barred rock hens and 2 banty roosters but she seems to always come up for food when i feed...today was the firat day in over a week that she hasn't laid so now im even more worried that there's somwthing going on even though I know young guinea hens can lay on and off when they firat begin laying she's just been so consistent :/
We've had guineas for many years. The egg color and texture seem to change over time for no apparent reason. Sometimes the eggs are dark, sometimes they're lighter in color. Sometimes they have spots, other times not so much. We've hatched all types of guinea eggs and none seem to be any less virile than the others. I wouldn't worry about changes in color/texture too much.
Thank you! I'm glad it seems to be nothing I'm doing (or not doing) She's laid everyday for about 3 weeks straight so far so she's doing good in that category lol

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