What's wrong with my hen?


In the Brooder
Sep 26, 2016
Kentwood, Louisiana
it's almost like she's sneezing and can't breath at the same time
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Can you take her to a vet?

Have you looked to see if there is anything blocking her airway?
Any eye discharge or mucous from the nostrils?

It could be a number of things. Make sure she has enough ventilation. Separate her if you haven't done so and keep her fairly warm (around 75F). It could be a respiratory disease like Infectious Bronchitis, Mycoplasma or others. Molds, fungus, dusty feed/environment and poor ventilation (ammonia buildup) can also cause respiratory distress.

You can try treating her with VetRx to see if that helps. Antibiotics may be in order, a vet can do some testing to see if she will benefit from them. Antibiotics will only treat secondary infections caused by respiratory disease, so finding out the cause would be best.

Try to encourage her to drink, add some poultry vitamins to her water. If she is in constant distress, then seeking vet care would be best.

Keep us posted.


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