What's wrong with my turkey hen?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 9, 2010
St. Louis
She was attacked by a wild animal when she was 3 mo. old (we lost a tom that same night to the animal) and her left wing was torn up pretty bad. She healed fabulously and was trekking around with the other Tom and hen we have. About a month ago, she started limping a little (she is now about 6 mo old). She quit limping after a week and then about a week later, started limping really bad. For the last 3 days she can't even stand up. She tries to, but then just goes down. After a couple minutes of laying down, she'll roll to one side or the other, usually her right side with her wing out. (is she doing this so she doesn't lay in her poop?) Her feet seem to be okay as they tense up when I pick her up to move her. She eats and drinks just fine and even makes her little squeaks while she eats, but she does wimper a little if I hold her the wrong way when I go to set her down. She seems perky and healthy otherwise. When I let the other turkeys in with her, the other Hen pecks at her head and neck so I have them separated now, except when they sleep at night. The Tom has tried to mate her, but she yelps in pain so I have to shoo him off.

The birds are free-range and like to sleep in the chicken house with our chickens at night. I am wondering if one of the roosters may have hurt her when chasing her or if Tom hurt her somehow when trying to mate her. Should we just put her down or give her a chance to heal? My kids love her because she was such a fighter the first time and survived that horrible attack.

I've attached a picture of her how she is laying on her left side in this instance and I have bags of ice around her to keep her cool (it has been in the upper 90's and low 100's here). I move her periodically to grassy areas and then dusty areas and keep the food and water next to her always. She normally would not let us pet her but since she can't move, she just sits there.

I had sort of a similar problem in the spring with my ducks. I got 4 rouen ducklings last year, and it turned out I had 3 drakes and a hen. In April, she started to limp and seemed really beat up. Just too much attention from the boys. I had to separate her in a pen within the duck enclosure for about 5 days. She seemed to really perk up after this and is fine now.

So, I'm wondering if the tom is trying to mate with her too much and has hurt her or just plain wore her out?
She seems to be doing a little better, still can't stand very well, but she is at least lifting her hind end up on her own at times and trying to stand. I still have to move her but she is definitely trying to get some movement back. She has been isolated for the last couple days. I sure hope this works...her name is Hurt-turkey which my kids picked out when she was injured. We're trying to make it sound like one word, but that's the name they wanted. After every prayer they say, "and bless Hurt-turkey".

I'll keep you posted on her progress.

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