What's wrong with their feathers?

I'll let you know when I have eggs again...my girl is being a slacker.

Of my 3 F2 babies that hatched on 3/31 I *think* the black one is going to be fluffy!
I can't tell 100%, but his wing feathers definitely look different than the other 2, although not entirely fluffy, but I know the wing feathers on Silkies sometimes look al ittle weird to begin with. Anyways, here's hoping.

I have 2 eggs left that are due on the 12th and 4 eggs growing nicely that are due on the 20th. Tess stopoped laying after that batch, so that's it for now.
Bad day for me too

My brooder overheated and I lost 7 of the 12 F1s I hatched, plus a bunch of other chicks I was growing out. I'm so frustrated and sad right now.
I hate when stuff like that happens.

ETA: We're pretty close, so I can always share some eggs with you when Tess starts laying again.
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Thanks Camille - I'm just sick over this. My guy was big, robust, heavy, crowing, perfectly feathered, etc... There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with him - at least that was visible on the outside, anyway.

But based on other's experiences with these birds, I can't say that this was totally unexpected. I had it in the back of my head when I got into this project, and I was holding my breath and hoping against hope that IF it WAS going to happen, that I could get him together with his new girls for a while first. Jeeeeeezzzzzzzzzz.... We were SOOOOO CLOSE!!!
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Thanks Kelly

I'm still nursing one of the survivors, who isn't looking so good. I'll definitely be looking for more eggs when they become available. I had such good luck hatching these, it just kills me to lose them over something so stupid and preventable.
I'm so sorry for your losses, everyone!!

I'm still holding on to hope of mine getting near laying. I have 3 fluffy pullets, 1 F1 pullet, and 2 fluffy roos. I'm watching them like hawks and have them on feed mixed up to my specs at a local mill of whole grains supplemented with Ultra Kibble and lots of herbs, spices, fat and fresh stuff. 2 of the pullets are still thin, but the roos are robust and I'm praying they'll make it to lay.

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