What's wrong with this "Ameracauna"'s neck?


15 Years
Sep 15, 2008
Williamson, GA
I got this pair of chicks from my local feed store, they came from Ideal and were billed as Ameracaunas. The black-headed one has really full feathers around the neck area, but the golden one's neck seems to be nearly bald. They are around 12 weeks now and starting to grow little beards.

Sorry but this is the best pic I have - these girls are really flighty, especially the golden one, she is scared to be approached, and VERY verbal! When she has lost her mate, her peep can be heard at the other end of the yard! Is this a trait of the Ameracauna or just a silly chick?

Thanks, Christi

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Hi Grandma,

What you have there is a couple of Easte Eggers or EE's as they are sometimes called.

If you do a Search on BYC for "Easter Egger" or even "Ameraucana" and me as the Author you will most likely find more information on the topic that you care to read.

God Bless,
She looks like she has some kind of moult going on or someone is feather picking.
I agree with Jody about a mini-molt or perhaps, someone is plucking her feathers. Could be mites, too, I guess. At 12 weeks, I don't usually see that much feather loss/molt, though. Could be that is what's going on and she needs some extra protein to grow the feathers in faster.

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