Whats wrong with this chick


Nov 12, 2021
South Central Ontario
Chicks are over a week old. From Hoover Hatchey. Vaccinated and on medicated feed. This one has been odd since day 1. Very unsteady and labored breathing.

I'm not at all expecting it to live. Just curious what it could be.

I've done electrolytes. Temp is fine all other chicks are doing great.
No pasty butt and poops are solid.
Didn't know I couldn't post a video.

Chick falls over all of the time. Sits back on the ball of the foot. And spends 99% of the time sleeping. I give her water and I see her eat the odd time but then generally she just falls over.
Chick was off from day 1. At first I figured just stress but now it's very evident something else. I'd say the other chicks are double the size and weight. And the other have started feathering out this one hasn't.
They came vaccinated from the hatchery and all I could buy this year was medicated feed. No other option. Lastbyear incould buy duck starter but not this year
Gamebird, turkey/pheasant starter and broiler crumble are all good in a pinch. Better than medicated anything IMO.

The go to always seems to be a vitamin deficiency. Any kind of chick booster is good, or our go to is sugar/honey/molasses water if you'd like to keep it natural 👍🫡
Just FYI, usually vaccinated for Marek's disease.

I've had over 100 meat birds at this point without vaccination and haven't had an issue with that. Anecdotal, I know, but still. Seems like a waste to me.
Just FYI, usually vaccinated for Marek's disease.

I've had over 100 meat birds at this point without vaccination and haven't had an issue with that. Anecdotal, I know, but still. Seems like a waste to me.
X2 on the meat birds. They don't live long enough to even develop mareks and in general just a good idea to keep that junk out of your food supply.

We have hatched nearly our entire flock at this point, and prior to never requested vaccines and avoided feed store birds (when possible. Obviously if you go in there and that ONE BREED is there, you have to walk out with a few chicks 🤗) and we have lost birds obviously, but never any kind of mass disease.

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