What's your chickens' favorite snack


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 15, 2011
Mine get corn, grapes, lettuce, apples, but if you only throw in one blue berry, after one swallows it the others will peck at it for a while (unless the rooster gets it)
My girls like corn, bluberries, and peppers the best. My BA will actually fight for the seeds! They used to love tomatoes until they got an overload this past month...
Manna from heaven. my wife will toss scraps over the fence from behind a row of bamboo that screens the chicken yard, they know not where it comes from.
Not really my snacks but we had a good flying termite episode today and the birds were running everywhere catching them. They have been picking blackberries the last 2 weeks also.
im guessing mealworms dont count, my girls love raw sunflowers, cheddar cheese, and they go nuts for chicken bones with a lil bit left on em.... oh and ramen noodles
Mealworms, both fresh live ones and dry freezed ones. People food...I haven't found anything they like yet?? Maybe I have picky chickens! Just my luck, ahhh love em anyways. I'm reading that spaghetti noodles seem to be a "hot" item that chickens like so I'm gonna give that a try.

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