whats your favorite breed?


10 Years
Aug 26, 2009
Oakland, CA
I am planning on getting chickens very soon, so please list your favorite chicken breen and why with a pic plz
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If you like duel purpose chickens New Hampshires are a good pick. Their vigorous, competative, ( I mean free range well), lay good. I like the ones I have. For egg layers the best are White Legorns, Rhode Island Reds, Production Reds, And Red And Black Sex Links. Oh yea Black Austrolorps are one of the best too.
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I have 25week old Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Reds and Ameraucanas and 21 week old EE-- I have only had them 7weeks--so they weren't handled as chicks////

I am very fond of my Barred Rock girls. I think they are pretty, I like their body shape and size (very fluffy), I enjoy the song/chatter they make. They are the first ones to investigate or come running. They are also the first of my breeds to lay---at 24 weeks old

The RIR: I wouldn't have chosen them for my coop but they are for my dh--he had them when he was young and wanted more.. They are bossy, they seem thin to me--and they haven't laid as egg---they are now 25 weeks old!

The BO are fluffy and calm--I love my roo he is a sweety --so far..

The Ameraucanas are pretty--I have a Blue one and a Black one--they seem a little more shy than my other birds...still on eggs

The EE are pretty, very shy, make very little noise.. Even though, they are three weeks younger than the others They are almost the same size as the RIR!

My next breed will be New Hampshire Reds! I have heard they lay very well, I like their size and shape...and the Rooster is gorgeous..

I am not into the chickens for egg sales, meat birds, showing or breeding.. I only wanted eye-candy and a few eggs for us... this might be something you want to add to your post-- IF -- you need any of these quailties in you chickens..

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