Wheezing and difficulty breathing


In the Brooder
Feb 6, 2019
This early morning my chook was gasping and trying to get air. I’m thinking it is something in her throat rather than lungs. There is no excess mucus. She seemed a bit panicked, which could have made it worse. I syringed some vitamin berocca water into her as she looks a little dehydrated. She settled down and the breathing normalized. She seems a bit listless but went about her day. However, tonight she’s struggling again.
But she does have intervals of normal sleep, she appears to be snoring ??
We are in Australia so not much change in temperatures on summer nights. I can’t see anything caught in her throat either. She is moulting a bit.


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Have you checked her crop? A crop disorder often causes what sound like breathing problems. Is her crop empty, full, hard, or soft and squishy? It's a good idea to either confirm or rule out a crop disorder by checking it in the morning before the patient has been given food or water.
Her crop was just squishy and empty, this morning. She seems to have lost her appetite just nibbles on food I gave her. So not much different in the afternoon.
I’ll check in the morning.
It’s weird she seems totally normal at times.
If her crop is squishy, then it's not empty. An empty crop is just hard chest wall, no filling. Do you detect an odor similar to sauerkraut?

Can you get a better photo with some light on her so we can see the details of her head and chest better?
What does her lower abdomen feel like? Is it more enlarged that the other hens? Sometimes the lower belly can become swollen with internal laying or fluid.

Her crop sounds puffy, as if she is beginning to show signs of a slow or sour crop. Azygous is helpful with crop problems. Some can be a secondary problem related to reproductive problems. Has she recently laid eggs before her molt?

Have you wormed your flock this summer? It probably would not hurt to do that, just in case this is related.
Hi thanks for taking the time to help out I’ll check when the sun is up in an hour or so. Anything else I should be checking?
I just purchased worming tablets, but didn’t give her one as I worry that she may not be well enough. Should I still give her vermex tablet?
I noticed one of my other chooks has mosquitoes bites/pox could this be something to do with it?
"Azygous" mean not two of a kind, "single" in other words.

Your hen is definitely having trouble breathing. Is she also having trouble swallowing? You need to get a good look in her mouth and back of her throat. You mentioned mosquitoes, so avian pox is a possibility. Sometimes it occurs in the mouth and blocks the back of the throat so the esophagus and trachea are blocked. She probably needs a good all spectrum antibiotic. Can you get some?

If you have a vaporizer, that can ease her breathing. If you can find Oxine or Betadine, you can add it to the water and it will help kill bacteria and fungus to get at the root of the respiratory infection.
Poor thing looks to be struggling to breathe. There is nothing in VermX that would kill serious worms such as gapeworm or capillary worms. Albendazole, fenbendazole (Panacur,) flubenvet, and levamisole are ones that are pretty bood to use.

Does she have the puffy crop still, or have you cupped your hand between her legs to feel if her belly is enlarged?
Hi, I checked her crop this morning as as you said it was flat and boney, so I don’t think that the crop is the issue. I think the empty/ bit squishy crop was all the water I syringed ?? She feels very skinny However, she’s been broody in the henhouse for a few weeks, so a little underweight.
She also seemed much brighter this morning and ate some seed she was muched eased in her breathing, but I’ll see what happens tonight when it usually occurs. I also went an bought a giant mozzie zapper! & I’ve gone and bought some antibiotics which I’ll add to the water today.
I found an old asthma puffer do you think I should try that in a paper bag? Do you think I should give her the worms tablet or will that over extend her?

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