Wheezing silkie too with green poop

Hi there! I have a 1 year old silkie rooster who about 5 days ago went to crow and not a sound came out. I thought it was odd and started hearing him wheeze immediately after. After doing some research I thought it could be gape worm because he didn’t have any other symptoms and everyone else seems okay. So I started safeguard in the water. His wheezing is still prevalent and he has green firm poop. I started him on Tylan 50 orally a couple days ago and still am not seeing much improvement. He’s eating fine and drinking as well. I’ve also been giving him a little ACV water mixture a couple times a day. I have him separated from the flock as a precaution as well. Any advice?
Don't give ACV , it will create more issues , ACV sometimes help but not all the time because it's sour it create more cough and soreness avoid it completely when u give antibiotics i suggest Pro-prebiotics helps also
Hi there! I have a 1 year old silkie rooster who about 5 days ago went to crow and not a sound came out. I thought it was odd and started hearing him wheeze immediately after. After doing some research I thought it could be gape worm because he didn’t have any other symptoms and everyone else seems okay. So I started safeguard in the water. His wheezing is still prevalent and he has green firm poop. I started him on Tylan 50 orally a couple days ago and still am not seeing much improvement. He’s eating fine and drinking as well. I’ve also been giving him a little ACV water mixture a couple times a day. I have him separated from the flock as a precaution as well. Any advice?
Good evening I am having a silkie chicken hen with the same symptoms. Green poop. Wheezing, open mouth breathing. Maybe having a hard time breathing. But other than that she’s still quite spry and eating what not. Did your Roo make it through? And if so what would you say worked the best for you?

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