When and for how long does your rooster crow?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 29, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Our 7-month-old bantam chochin/silkie roo, Franklin, is a perfect alarm clock, crowing at about 6:15 a.m. (mountain time zone) for about 30 min. straight. He's been slowly pushing his first crow later as the sunrise gets later with Fall just around the corner.

I thought it might be fun to see when other roosters crow. Do they crow all day? What time and for how long do they usually crow?
I have many many roosters, LOL.

I have had them begin crowing at 3AM, and they play off each other - so it can go on and off all day.

I do admit, though, that since the newer roos have arrived - in a new coop, and unable to be seen by the older guys, but can be heard - that the crowing is more often. When it was just the older guys, it averaged about 8 times a day or so - with the newer guys, there is not a half hour that goes by without a game of "Who you challenging, Sucker?!"

Luckily I like the crowing - and my one neighbor who can hear it absolutely LOVES the crowing. In fact, when I got rid of a bunch of roos, she couldn't hear them as much and she asked me when I was gonna get more roos.
LOL she really needs some chickens.

I also have a mix of banties and large fowl, so the crowing is a harmony type of thing - altos, sopranos, baritones.... then a hen will lay an egg and EVERYONE gets in on the cackling as counterpoint, LOL.

Peace -
My little guy starts in about 4:30, but lately he has been pushing 5:00 as the weather turns cooler and fall sets in like chicknmama. He will start off my neighbors large Buff and it goes from there. They carry on for about a half hour and then throughout the day they will "talk" to one another. My Chanticleer is free range and my neighbor's Frankie is housed all the time, so Chanti goes running over to make sure he is heard clearly.

I can't wait for my other 2 roos to start in. They are both 3 1/2 months old and haven't even tried yet. I think they are intimidated by the other 2. They stop what they are doing when the others crow, but that's about it. Luckily our other neighbor is from Puerto Rico and is used to hearing the roosters crow. She says it reminds her of home.
Last night my D'uccle roo was crowing at 4am...usually he waits till 5. Something must have set him off. And then the Serama starts out in the garage and than the bantam cochin starts. They go on for about 1/2 hour and then they rest for the nest outbreak which we never know when that will be lol They are fun tho!

Carmine starts at about 6:30-7:00 and crows all day long. He slows down a little around noonish, but gets jiggy wit it again in the late afternoon. Louis I, my Marans cockerel is just starting to crow in the morning. I'm sure it'll be quite the cacophony in a month or so. Luckily, my neighbors also enjoy the crowing, which is very good for them since my house is zoned ag and there's nothing they can do about it.
im not sure when mine start they are already up when i get up and are on the opposite side of the house. But they crow all day. Not constantly but often enough.
Ours goes around in a circle with the neighbors roo's. They start in the morning for about a 1/2 hour, then only crow during the day when they hear a siren

Then at dusk it starts up again.
My roo starts around 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. then he crows in the afternoon and evening and after dark. LOL. He is a sweety tho so it is ok.

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