When Are Guinea Fowl hatching eggs available to purchase?

most guineafowl, usually lay eggs in spring thru summer. but that may also depend on your location. here breeding season usually take place by late winter to take the food fostered by winter rains. we have (dry summers and wet winters)
breeding season is correlated with rains,mainly coincide with the seasonal rainfall. in other regions of year-round fall, guineas breed thru year.
Here in Wyoming my guineas will usually start laying eggs sometime in April. I usually have enough to put in the incubator by late April. I've read of people in Texas having guinea eggs in the incubator in March. So it depends on where you are located. ;)
Here in Wyoming my guineas will usually start laying eggs sometime in April. I usually have enough to put in the incubator by late April. I've read of people in Texas having guinea eggs in the incubator in March. So it depends on where you are located. ;)
Are guineas effected by lights like horses are? (My guineas are locked in a stall for the winter and the lights are on a timer for the mares) Just curious if I should be looking for eggs earlier than may here in ND?
Are guineas effected by lights like horses are? (My guineas are locked in a stall for the winter and the lights are on a timer for the mares) Just curious if I should be looking for eggs earlier than may here in ND?

I always have a daylight light bulb on a timer in my henhouse thru the winter to keep my chickens laying. The guineas share the henhouse with the chickens but It hasn't made the guineas start laying any earlier. It's usually sometime in April. I've had guineas and chickens together for 7 years. ;)
(for wild guineas) breeding is not stimulated by light or day length. it is mainly stimulated by the availability of food to produce eggs and rear up youngs. if breeding was caused by light then ghuineas would be breeding in summer other than winter here.

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