when are they ready to lay eggs?


Feb 9, 2016
Hi everyone im new to this web site im exite to share pics of my chickens ok so they were born around june and im I'm very anxious When they will lay there first egg. So there all hens and they love to take dirt bath In the sunny they are Golden Laced wyndotte,Ameraucana,and a Dominique
I Any help I will appreciate thank you!!!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. Most breeds including those you have begin laying from 20-27 weeks, sometimes a little earlier and on occasion a little later. I would expect your pullets to begin laying before long. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center. There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
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The shorter daylight hours of winter can slow them down some but once you see their combs and wattles getting red and they squat for you, you'll know they are almost ready to lay.

Shouldn't be much longer now!

The shorter daylight hours of winter can slow them down some but once you see their combs and wattles getting red and they squat for you, you'll know they are almost ready to lay.

Shouldn't be much longer now!

Agreed! You can always have a quiet word with them - just mention things like crockpot, dinner etc. I had one such conversation and she laid her first egg that very day - and don't tell me thats pure coincidence!

All the best
Agreed! You can always have a quiet word with them - just mention things like crockpot, dinner etc. I had one such conversation and she laid her first egg that very day - and don't tell me thats pure coincidence!

All the best

Nothing like a little "persuasion"!
Welcome to Backyard chickens. You have very pretty hens. I think when they realize spring is just around the corner ( can't tell here it's 14 degrees F right now) they will start laying.

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