When can baby chicks live outside?

I hope yours end up at the same size at four weeks. These are my first chickens, so I have no idea what's typical.
He he, me too. If they're not, I won't hold it against you. :D

What kind are yours?
Thanks so much, Sunny! That really helps. :)

Is there some kind of chart that will give me guidelines for what temps they need at what ages?

Thanks in advance!
A basic rule of thumb, is to decrease 5 degrees every week.

For example, newborn chicks start out at 95* Fahrenheit. Subtract 5* every week.

Here is a chart I just drew up for you:
Chick Temperatures
Newborn 95*
Week 1 90*
Week 2 85*
Week 3 80*
Week 4 75*
Week 5 70*

Once the chicks are completely feathered out, (about 7 weeks old or so) you don't have to worry too much about temperature, unless it is very cold outside.

Also keep in mind that the these temperatures are just there to give you a rough idea, you should pay more attention to what your chicks are doing then the thermometer reading.
If the chicks are huddled up under heat lamp, they are probably cold. Lower the heat lamp.
If the chicks are scattered away from the heat lamp and panting, they are too hot. Raise the heat lamp.
Comfortable chicks should be randomly scattered all around the brooder.
Ours are in a tote too and are about 4 weeks old. They seem pretty comfy in there, I just took this pic for reference:

That is just amazing! I had my 3 weekers in a tote and one was pecking the others to pieces. I had to move them into a huge wardrobe box. I know they are young, but I try to get mine outside with me whenever I can. Yesterday they were outside with me all afternoon and they seem much happier today and no more pecking!
A basic rule of thumb, is to decrease 5 degrees every week.

For example, newborn chicks start out at 95* Fahrenheit. Subtract 5* every week.

Here is a chart I just drew up for you:
Chick Temperatures
Newborn 95*
Week 1 90*
Week 2 85*
Week 3 80*
Week 4 75*
Week 5 70*

Once the chicks are completely feathered out, (about 7 weeks old or so) you don't have to worry too much about temperature, unless it is very cold outside.

Also keep in mind that the these temperatures are just there to give you a rough idea, you should pay more attention to what your chicks are doing then the thermometer reading.
If the chicks are huddled up under heat lamp, they are probably cold. Lower the heat lamp.
If the chicks are scattered away from the heat lamp and panting, they are too hot. Raise the heat lamp.
Comfortable chicks should be randomly scattered all around the brooder.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm printing this out for my reference folder now. Great info! :D
That is just amazing! I had my 3 weekers in a tote and one was pecking the others to pieces. I had to move them into a huge wardrobe box. I know they are young, but I try to get mine outside with me whenever I can. Yesterday they were outside with me all afternoon and they seem much happier today and no more pecking!
I wonder if it matters how many are in the tote? I only have two, so I'm wondering if they'd still be ok. Or maybe they just go stir crazy being in there!
I put mine out last night at 6 weeks, they were scared of the dark so I put a flashlight out there for them, today they are running up and down the ramp, and we ran a extension cord out there with a nite lite, so hopefully they are good to go
I put mine out last night at 6 weeks, they were scared of the dark so I put a flashlight out there for them, today they are running up and down the ramp, and we ran a extension cord out there with a nite lite, so hopefully they are good to go
Awww, that's so cute. I can't wait to see Lucy and Ethel out there running around---when they are ready, I mean. :)

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