When can Chicks go out to the coop?


Jul 4, 2020
I am new to owning chickens. I have 4 2 week old RIRs and live in Georgia. My question is: when can they go out to the coop? It is mid to low 90s during the day and maybe 75-80 at night. Would 3 weeks be too soon? The people at the tractor supply store I got them from said that would be fine, but I don’t know. Thanks so much for any help!
Thank you! Yes, I am worried about that too.
My 5-6 week old finally get to go out today!! Revampng our usual "tween" coop so we got a prefab for now so they could get out.


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I am new to owning chickens. I have 4 2 week old RIRs and live in Georgia. My question is: when can they go out to the coop? It is mid to low 90s during the day and maybe 75-80 at night. Would 3 weeks be too soon? The people at the tractor supply store I got them from said that would be fine, but I don’t know. Thanks so much for any help!

I always set my chicks out at 2 weeks with a lamp on during the night, depending on temps. But My coop does have an enclosed run so my worry for predators is low. Good luck!
I have my 3wk old chicks out in the coop and integrated into my flock they are in a secure and covered run i would say they will be fine as long as they will be secured
I tried to put my 3 week old babies out and rats dug into their enclosure and took 5 of them. It depends on where you live and the kinds of predators you have. Thats why we got the prefab coop. We are deratting our barn and rebuilding the in barn enclosure. We thought since it had a steel floor and hardware cloth over every inch that it was safe. I get a little over protective of my babies. I live on the edge of the woods so we have lots of animals that think chicks are yummy.
I am new to owning chickens. I have 4 2 week old RIRs and live in Georgia. My question is: when can they go out to the coop? It is mid to low 90s during the day and maybe 75-80 at night. Would 3 weeks be too soon? The people at the tractor supply store I got them from said that would be fine, but I don’t know. Thanks so much for any help!
Hello, your chicks would be fine temp wise. I live in MS. We are both about to keel over with the heat waves that we are having. Keeping them from having heat strokes is more like it. If you have plenty of nice warm bedding down at night they should be fine to keep warm. Predators are your main concern. They don’t have enough fight or flight instincts yet or knowledge of what to do. Chickens can’t see in the dark either so leave them a light on that is safe and not a fire starter in your coop. You don’t need a heat lamp or pad to cause a fire in the coop. Nor a heat source with a red light for them to peck at later to cause a fire. Good luck.
I tried to put my 3 week old babies out and rats dug into their enclosure and took 5 of them. It depends on where you live and the kinds of predators you have. Thats why we got the prefab coop. We are deratting our barn and rebuilding the in barn enclosure. We thought since it had a steel floor and hardware cloth over every inch that it was safe. I get a little over protective of my babies. I live on the edge of the woods so we have lots of animals that think chicks are yummy.
In order for them to dig into mine first they would have to dig through cinderblocks welded wire sand and mulch they would have to be really really determined to dig into my run

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