when can chicks live outside?

So glad you've said that! I've been putting my chicks outside in the run during the day for the past few weeks, then bringing them in at night. The youngest ones are about 3 weeks, oldest about about 6 weeks. I'm not using a heat lamp! I had them first in my bathroom and was just turning on the lamp for a few hours at night and in the morning, but had it off when i went to bed and for most of the day (I've was paranoid about it burning, that thing is hot!) but it was always above 27 C in my bathroom without the lamp and my father in law told me the lamp isn't necessary because It's summer and it's really hot now. I stopped using the lamp completely a few weeks ago and they are fine. They all settle down for the night together and keep each other warm. Tonight I'm leaving them out over night for the first time.I'm worried about them though. My husband got some garden netting - like what you use to protect your plants - and covered the run with it. I need to go out now and check on them actually, before it gets dark. I'm going to stick a box in with some hay for them to sleep in so they don't get cold.  The forecast says the lowest temp should be 17 C tonight. If it gets colder than that at night i can just bring them in again. 

I'm scared they'll get too cold. I live in England and at the moment the temperature at night is between 10 and 16 degrees Celsius. I think I'll introduce them to living in the coop next week but will take them inside if it's too cold. Thanks for your help and reply :)
I think i might let them live outside next week, thanks for the reassurance! Your chickens are lovely!
:Thank you kindly! I'm kinda fond of them, despite a rough start! They hated the sight of me. But now when I'm outside they take turns sitting under my lawn chair. I like to think it's because they love me, but I have a sneaking suspicion it's because I provide so much shade. <sigh> Yours will be fine.
i started letting them out for one or two minutes (watched) when they were 3 and a half weeks old when they were eight weeks old the were alowed out for five to ten minutes when they are ten weeks old the can be outside for an hour and when they are 13 weeks old they can stay out permanentley as they would be pullets
I live on Long Island. I put my four baby chicks out when they were one and a half weeks old. It was the day after Father's Day. I made an extension on my existing chicken run, so the new chicks would grow up next to the older girls ( 1 and 2 yr old chickens ). I purchased a dog house and added a pop door. I plugged in my Brisnea Ecoglow brooder ( first time user, and I love it ), and presto. Very very happy baby chicks!! They have 40 sq ft of space, and are much happier outside than in the spare bedroom. I was really surprised on their first night outside --- they put themselves to bed! I thought I would have to put them in the house, but nope. They go to bed every night at 7pm. Hopefully integrating the chicks to the big girls will be easier this time, since they will be "neighbors" for a good two months first.
Chicks really can develop faster than others. In my experience my hen raised free range chicks grow much faster than my indoor brooder chicks..while other people have had the opposite experience.... i have several batches of chicks at the moment, the oldest being Cochins who were FULLY feathered by 5 weeks. I live in NJ and its about 85-90 degrees fahrenheit here right now
I live on Long Island.  I put my four baby chicks out when they were one and a half weeks old.  It was the day after Father's Day.  I made an extension on my existing chicken run, so the new chicks would grow up next to the older girls ( 1 and 2 yr old chickens ).  I purchased a dog house and added a pop door.  I plugged in my Brisnea Ecoglow brooder ( first time user, and I love it ), and presto.  Very very happy baby chicks!!  They have 40 sq ft of space, and are much happier outside than in the spare bedroom.  I was really surprised on their first night outside --- they put themselves to bed!  I thought I would have to put them in the house, but nope.  They go to bed every night at 7pm.  Hopefully integrating the chicks to the big girls will be easier this time, since they will be "neighbors" for a good two months first.

That sounds like the perfect solution - I'll have to look into that Ecoglow brooder. It gets chilly here at night (50s F) and they were not happy campers when I tried having them out last week - they chirped up a storm until I got them in. At least inside they don't need a light on.
I bet breed does make a difference in feathering out but I think mine always look more feathered out than pictures of same age inside only chicks.
I'm scared they'll get too cold. I live in England and at the moment the temperature at night is between 10 and 16 degrees Celsius. I think I'll introduce them to living in the coop next week but will take them inside if it's too cold. Thanks for your help and reply
I'm in Macedonia and it's really hot here now, over 30 C during the day and well above 15 C at night. They're going good so far!
I gave them a bigger run by putting them in a dog cage today, but I've decided I'm just going to let them roam around. Tonight is the night! I've put them in a coop and given them some fluff from a pillow to keep them snug and warm, hopefully they'll be okay! Do you think the white one is a rooster? I think the black one probably is a pullet :)
Anyway here are some pictures from today:






I put mine out at about 6 weeks in the middle of a snowstorm and 15 degree F weather. They were in the coop with a 60 watt bulb and were fine! The worst part was the water kept freezing so I had to replace it every few hours, but the ladies were great. I have nice thick roosts for them so they could cover their feet, which I think makes a difference. Before I moved them out they were in a shed that was anywhere between 30-50 F with an ecoglow starting they were about 2 weeks old. Yours should be fine! They are tough little things once you get past the first few days.

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