when can chicks live outside?

Great new pix! The dog run looks nice. They are both so cute, too. Do they have names?
I can see why you wonder about the red wattles on the white one. I don't know much about silkies (except they can be rather delicate) or Sussexs, nor about gender guessing. I have a Light Brahma that developed red wattles but it started with the comb getting nice and red. People were pretty clear about him being a Henry, not a Henny. Try posting on the "what gender" thread - they love that! :)
Hope all goes well tonight! I'm still bringing in my littles (who are getting so big at 5 weeks!) in at night. It's mostly because of my biggies chase them and I don't want to pressure THAT situation.
I hope your whitey isn't a boy or that you are allowed boys. Henry is a real sweety but I'm not allowed roosters. I picked two babies because you can't have a single chicken and then one turns out to be a boy at 6 weeks. So I got another set to keep Penny company when Henry goes away. But, of course, the age and size difference means they won't get along for at least another month. I'm just glad Penny is an Easter Egger which are on the small side. Here they are, playing with a mirror:

My Littles, Sinatra, the Australorp who is a complainer and Red, my sweet Black Sex Link.

The Littles are free rangers of me and my next neighbor's front yards. She has an olive tree and lots of potted plants that they rest between. Mine is more open and they dig for bugs when I hang out with them - wood chips everywhere!
I'm looking forward to hearing how yours do with the wandering around you are planning to let them try!!
Yours are so sweet! Sadly I had my suspicions that the white one is a rooster so today a lady came and took him away. :( but I'm quite happy because she has a lovely small farm where children visit to see animals growing up, so I'm sure he'll be looked after. I would of kept him but I have 6 roosters and didn't want to risk it. (the lady took three of them so now have three left!)
The little black one was fairly upset that's it's friend had gone but she's distracted by all the grass and bugs that she can chase so I'm sure she'll be fine! Especially because she has a 9 week old chick and another 6 week old chick to make friends with.
I'm not sure on a name, do you have any ideas what I could call her?
I forgot to say, they survived the night and we're waiting for me to let them out of the coop this morning! I think they enjoyed it because it is bigger than what they used to live in. :D
Good news - yay!! Mine are starting to get big for the inside cage, too, and like to play in the biggie's run.
I'm no good at names. My first ones were Henny and Penny. The Australorp is Lorpy (although I'm trying out "Ms. Sinatra" since she has to do everything her own way and is constantly chirping) and the Black Sex Link is Red because her breast is like a robin red breast. I also had a runt that was called Runty. So, yeah, not too talented in the naming department.
I moved my chicks to the coop when they were 5 weeks old. Nights were still under and near 40 degrees F, so I kept a heat lamp in there until temps stayed over 50 at night. By then, they had all learned to happily roost and didn't care about the heat lamp.

My cornish x meat chicks moved to the chicken tractor at 3 weeks. Night one I used a heat lamp and saw none of them were under it, so no more of that.

If you have multiple chickens, they have each other to keep warm.

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