When can I expect eggs from my Bobwhites?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 29, 2010
It's my first time raising Bobwhites and I have several local people interested in buying the eggs from me (for eating) so I'm wondering when I can expect the quail to start laying. I have 22 of them, about half of which are female, and they were born at the beginning of June which makes them 23 weeks old now but I still haven't seen any eggs from any of them. I don't know if this is due to the time of year/lack of daylight here or not...there's currently only about 10 hours of daylight and that'll change to 9 and then 8.5 pretty soon. Do quail still lay eggs in the winter? My chickens lay throughout the winter, albeit slower, but then again they have artificial lighting in their hen house and since the Bobwhites are in an outdoor pen (with a sheltered enclosure attached) it would be hard to implement that same sort of lighting with them.

Would putting in egg boxes help? I was told they just lay their eggs in the straw on the floor but if egg boxes or anything else would help improve the likelihood of getting eggs from them then I'm willing to try it.
Wow that's really early mine lais until late October. I don't know if they are still laying or not because I just sold them. LostinQuailLand how much do you sell eggs for?
Yep, you will walk out there next spring and when you pick up the feeder you will find a little white egg setting there. Then you will start jumping up and down while carrying it inside to stick it in the bator. That's what usually happens.

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