when can i move my chicks to a coop?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
i am going to get chickens soon and i was wondering when i would need to put them in a coop.

thanks everyone 4 ur help
They need to be at least 7 or 8 weeks....or have all feathers, and be very warm still. Oh, and welcome to the wonderfull world of chickens! They are just so much fun, and very relaxing to have around plus they reward you, for keeping them healthy and fed with eggs! What a plus! Good luck with your new "kids" What kind are you getting?? How old will they be when you get them??
thank ku all 4 ur help im not sure which kind of chicken im going to get yet. im still in the research process, because i want to get it all right before i make a bad choice thanks again
there are two ways to tell when there ready,
1 is when they are feathereing
2 is when they are in the brooder for the first week it needs to be 95 degrees then for every week it must go down 5 degrees untill it reaches room temp. then they can go into the coop

hope this helps buh by

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