when can i move my hens outside?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
my hens are 4 weeks old today! i live in illinois and while today it rained, its usualy pretty warm in may! and in june the heat gets pretty hot. when can i get them to be outside for good? there getting to big for a brooder
Are you still giving them supplemental light inside?

Do you intend to provide them some supplemental heat outside, via an extension cord?

If they can take the 70 degree inside air, without help, then you've a gauge to assume what they'll do outside. Personally, I'd keep them where they are at, without any heat light, for another 5 or 6 days. But, if you can give them some help at night, outside, with an extension cord? Move on out.
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i'm still giving them light inside right now. its at about 73 with the heat lamp. the coop wont be COMPLETLY ready for a few days anyways, but i was planning on moving them in a week!
I'm in the same situation. I have chicks that are 4 weeks old. As long as they are in at night, I've been keeping them outside (in a supervised fenced off area) during the day. Really ready to get them in the coop!
thats what im doing to! were all done with the coop almost, so i think by the weekend they'll be able to stay out for good!
I have a box that I made to put my chicks in for brood.I put wire over it so they can't get out,have their water and feed hanging,and a lite.I moved them out in the shop last weekend and I had to move them into the coop yesterday.I still have the lite on them so that they can get in when they are cold.They are about 4 weeks old and are doing great.I cut a hole in the brooder box that I made so that they can move around and in and out of the box.They are outside with the momma hen and survive.As long as you provide their needs they will be alright.

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