When can I start giving poulets garden weeds?


10 Years
May 13, 2009
Portland NW
Ready to do a lot of weeding, dandelions and the like (they've never been sprayed with weed deterrent) and we always threw big piles into the coop where they would select what they wanted with dandelions at the top if the list. Is there an age to start giving weeds to them or just whenever they will try eating? They are currently 14 weeks old and still on the grower stuff.
And while on the subject, when can I start giving them table scraps.
Been raising chickens for 15 years and lost my entire flock to coyotes this winter so starting anew and can't remember when we started with my other flock.
Chickens can eat basically anything if they have grit, even at 2 weeks. Most people just suggest not over doing it because scraps and weeds aren't a complete diet and giving them too many treats can offset the nutritional value of starter feed. Your gals are definitely old enough to snack away as long as they have some grit.

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