when can i tell if my chick is a rooster or a hen..

i have 2 week old bantams how can i tell because i heard something bout how long the tell feathers are but i aint sure og the length they should be
I have 19 week old chicks, if they have some green feathers does it mean that they are Roo's..Please someone on here let me know..
Oh my, they all have green somewhere on them, head, neck, back, tail, wing, & their legs,.The green just can be seen, in my Rhode inland reds, & the broadrocks..The green is pretty & just wants to shine..It's like where they have black there is some Green..So green is a sign of Rooters??
Oh my, they all have green somewhere on them, head, neck, back, tail, wing, & their legs,.The green just can be seen, in my Rhode inland reds, & the broadrocks..The green is pretty & just wants to shine..It's like where they have black there is some Green..So green is a sign of Rooters??
Not really. Most black feathering will have a greenish tint when the sun hits it just right. I've got 5 solid black girls in my flock, and all of them have a green or purple sheen to their feathers. One of my Barred Rock girls is green when the sun hits her black bars just right.
Most roosters have exceptionally shiny green tail feathers. They seem to gleam with that green all the time, even on cloudy days.
Like this guy.

This is also a really good example of the differences between male feathering and female feathering. See how long and thin his back feathers are compared to the hens, and how 'flowing' his neck feathers are? Those are the male saddle and hackle feathers.
Wow he is Beautiful, I see now the difference..Mine will be 18 weeks old 2morrow,I'm just worried abt having alot of Roo's..I do know now I definitely have 2 hens out of mine 6 RIR bc I got lil eggs from 2 of them..I have 7 Broadrock & they 5 weeks younger than my reds, they are bigger than my reds already so idk if they all Roo..Ty do much for all the info..U have been such a Big help to me, Tks again!
My broadrock their tales feathers are like hanging like forking when they roost..Is that a sign of a Roo??They have long goblet too, their cones are standing up taller than my reds already..I'll see if I can get some pics & put on here..lol..Tks again for all the help in Advance..
Ok My reds are 19 weeks old 2day, Broadrok made 14 weeks this past Saturday..if anyone can tell by the pics if u see any Roo's..Ty

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