When can my babies go outside?


Aug 15, 2015
Jenison, MI
I have silkies that are almost 3 weeks old. They are the first chickens we've ever had. We have a coop & run out in the backyard, but the brooder is in our basement.

I'm wondering when I can put them in outside. I've been bringing them out about once a day for the past week & they seem to love it!

I live in Michigan. Right now the daytime temps are about 80 degrees & it's getting down to about 55 degrees at night.

Any hints or tips appreciated. Thanks!
You can certainly move them out to the coop along with their heat source, they will need some heat, especially at night as the temperatures are beginning to fall. They will need extra heat until they are fully feathered which is usually between 8-12 weeks.
I have silkies that are almost 3 weeks old. They are the first chickens we've ever had. We have a coop & run out in the backyard, but the brooder is in our basement.

I'm wondering when I can put them in outside. I've been bringing them out about once a day for the past week & they seem to love it!

I live in Michigan. Right now the daytime temps are about 80 degrees & it's getting down to about 55 degrees at night.

Any hints or tips appreciated. Thanks!

I would say so I put mine out quite early.
In West Central WI our hens drag out the chicks at 2weeks. At night of course they sleep in her plummage. So figure to keep them about 75-80 at night. The will huddle for more heat, but won't get an opportunity to overheat. The big there ng during the day is keeping them dry. They will be just fine out and about down to 60degrees during the day. Just make sure the have access to water, fine grit and food. They should be good. This is how I do things.for your consideration.
I also live in central Wisconsin and I routinely let my babies start exploring outside at 2 weeks. My brooder hut is small,, about 3 by 5 with a small attached run,, at 2 weeks i start opening the door with the heat lamp still on inside so they can explore outside and pop back in when they need to warm up

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