When Can / should I move the chicks to the coop


Feb 2, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
I have a bit of a dilemma. I have 4 Wyadottes and 4 Barred rock that are pushing 7 weeks, 4 Buff Orpingtons pushing 5 weeks and 4 white leghorns pushing 3 weeks.
Some pics of the size of them

Barred Rock and Orpintons

Wyandotte 2 leghorns and 1 buff.

2 Leghorns With the the others

The reason I ask is because It seems like the older ones are getting cabin feeder in the brooder. (Running and flying around. pecking at the screen cover, stuff like that)

My brooder, Originally 33x72. Then I added "2nd" floor then "3rd" floor. To give them more room

View 2nd floor.

View of the 3rd floor

Yeah it ain't pretty but I don't plan on keeping it once they are out. (find a sucker to buy it or take it apart and burn it)

The weather shows temps in the low to mid 40s at night and Mid 50s to 70 during the day.
I am pretty sure the oldest 8 will be ok and also the buffs. They seem pretty well feathered out.Kinda worried about the leghorns tho.

The coop is 12' x 6' with one 6' wall and 1 8' wall. Its still not ready for the chicks but I think I can finish it up enough for the chicks in the next couple days.

OK, There's about all the facts. My questions...

Leave them in the brooder and don't worry about the cabin fever?

Will the leghorns be OK in them kind of temps? (heat lamp)

Would it be OK to separate the older ones and leave the little ones behind for a couple weeks? ( I am pretty sure the answer is NO!)

Could somebody come over and give me a hand finishing the coop and building a run?
I'd move them all but the leghorns. give the leghorns a few more weeks then let them have a happy reunion,

I am currently building a new coop (don't have one at all). My oldest chicks are just over 3 weeks. By the time I get the coop finished in the next week and half or so, they should be about ready to move out there. DW is more than ready to get them out of the brooder in the kitchen, LOL

I'm curious why you say the answer is NO to moving the older ones and leaving the younger ones a few more weeks???
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I am thinking that the older ones will create a pecking order in the couple of weeks difference. Will they forget who their "friends" are in that time?
I put my chicks outside worjs heat lamp at 3 weeks old. The heat lamp was in an area that no air flow could get to so no matter what the temp got to they stayed warm. They did great with it.
I put my chicks outside worjs heat lamp at 3 weeks old. The heat lamp was in an area that no air flow could get to so no matter what the temp got to they stayed warm. They did great with it.
I think I could pull something like that off. Take the "3rd floor" down to the coop with the lamp in. I been down there working on it and I don't think I can get it ready by this weekend. I got rained out, from work today. But I might not get back down there till Saturday. I am still working on walls, Inside and out. Amongst other things.. (roost, litter table, etc). I do have the nesting box's done

Well I ain't getting it done sitting here am I, Since no-one else volunteered to help.....
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