When can these mess makers go ouside??


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
I can't find it on here for some reason
I have 2 pekin and 2 runner s that are getting big and I wanna know when I can put them out.
they are still fluffy but have white underneath, the pekins are the size of my small kitty.lol.
She s full grown but anywyas I have 3 adults already outside 1 runner and 2 pekin will they all end up following each other in a group??
They always say wait until they are feathered fully. But I also think that depends on where you are going to keep them outside and how warm it is over night where you are.
We put ours outside at one week old! We live in AZ though, so you have to take that into consideration. Beings you are in Missouri I would put a light for warmth in their nesting box outside. We have 3 white crested that went outside at a week old and it was still getting down into the low 50's high 40's at night. We just made sure they had a heat lamp in their brooding box. Currently we have 4 runner babies that are 3 weeks old and have been out now for 2 weeks.
We had at the time one mallard female that was 2 months old, and one runner that is 2 years old. They all bonded and run together now. It didn't happen overnight, but it did happen after a week or so.

Hope this helps!
I put them out there last night and they were fine. They were following me today which was cute.
My chicks are still inside becasue I don't want to move them out with a lamp, my goat barn burned down last week froma heat lamp fire!!!! All the goaties are fine but now I am really scared. I also have one broody hen who has a baby so she needed to be put in a cage in the coop. the other hen hoped in her nest to lay an egg and killed her baby
so now she only has one.
Mean chickens!!!

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