When can they have outside time?

They will stay together in a small group and wander about. No they will not fly away. They can fit through some amazingly small holes. I used a box to transport them outside then would leave the box on it's side in the pen.The first time they were hesitant to leave the box. It offer a place of security. The first few trips out they would return to the box when they were ready to go in. Later I had to herd them into the box to return them to the brooder as they didn't want to come back in anymore. If one or two are hesitant to come back in get as many as you can back in the brooder, the straggler will realize he is alone and want back with their buddies asap.
When I first took mine outside, they stayed in a little group...I was sitting on the grass nearby and they came over to crowd around my legs and sit on me :)
It's gorgeous here today, and I have my 9 day old and my 18 day old chicks all outside in an ex-pen. I'm watching them, um, like a hawk (yikes) and they are having a ball. The big girls have come over to check everyone out, which is cute to watch. I've also put them in the chicken run (hens are all out free ranging), which is totally secure, has dirt and allows me to do something other than chick mind. But today I thought we'd try grass, and it has been a big hit. One on left is a partridge Cochin, on the right is a silver laced Wyandotte (no names yet!)

cute babies! they're so much fun to watch - running and jumping and flapping their tiny winglets!
It's gorgeous here today, and I have my 9 day old and my 18 day old chicks all outside in an ex-pen. I'm watching them, um, like a hawk (yikes) and they are having a ball. The big girls have come over to check everyone out, which is cute to watch. I've also put them in the chicken run (hens are all out free ranging), which is totally secure, has dirt and allows me to do something other than chick mind. But today I thought we'd try grass, and it has been a big hit. One on left is a partridge Cochin, on the right is a silver laced Wyandotte (no names yet!)

Aren't they adorable! We put ours out for the first time yesterday too! one little bugger tried to fly out?
yeah, how cute.. so we quickly devised some roofing.. we never left them alone of coarse but the pen was pretty makeshift... they took to it rather quickly fighting over bugs and so forth lol
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