When can we start eating our ducks eggs?

Thank you Miss Lydia they are all so cute aren't they.....even though I know im biased :D

Ozzie is another cat for the collection lol black and white also as they are all family ....Bella aka Momma cat and her 4 babies (Dorothy, Ozzie, Dexter and BonBon) there was a fifth baby BooBoo but sadly she died earlier this year :(...and then there is Tubbs the stray.

Candy the Guinea Pig belongs to my cousins who have recently moved house so I am fostering her till they are settled ......her friend Sugar died so she is lonely but I believe you are not able to introduce new ones once they are fully grown?

My mom raised guinea pigs when I was in high school. We never had any issues introducing them to other adults. Just watch them and they work it out pretty quickly. They only time we had problems was when we had males together and they could see the females.
My mom raised guinea pigs when I was in high school. We never had any issues introducing them to other adults. Just watch them and they work it out pretty quickly. They only time we had problems was when we had males together and they could see the females.
Just like with any species right. lol

The one with the heart shaped spots is Dexter .....he's the boss, even though Ozzie is the eldest brother, he's so laid back he should be horizontal lol

lol, I don't think I've ever seen a cat marked like that. makes me think of an ancona duck
Their markings are very unique ....BooBoo the little kitty I lost earlier this year was pure white with a pure black tail and a black spot right on top of her head that looked like a wig lol

The pic below is one I took last year of the whole family ....

Left to right is....Dexter, Bella (the mom of them all) BonBon, Ozzie, BooBoo and Dorothy

Their markings are very unique ....BooBoo the little kitty I lost earlier this year was pure white with a pure black tail and a black spot right on top of her head that looked like a wig lol

The pic below is one I took last year of the whole family ....

Left to right is....Dexter, Bella (the mom of them all) BonBon, Ozzie, BooBoo and Dorothy

Beautiful family,. I bet you don't have to worry about mice. lol
NO!......apart from when they thought it was nice to bring me 'gifts' now they realise the human does NOT like gifts! which is just aswell as I have a real phobia of small furry things! :barnie
NO!......apart from when they thought it was nice to bring me 'gifts' now they realise the human does NOT like gifts! which is just aswell as I have a real phobia of small furry things!

Small furry things climbing on you? lol When we had a cat back when i was a kid, he always brought my mo m gifts and laid them on the back steps where she had to just about step on them to get out of the house.
I am new to ducks. I have 2 females and 4 males. I found 2 eggs today in one part of their pen that I know are from last night. I went into the other part of their own and found 8 more! I don't know when these eggs were laid. How do I know if they're ok to eat without having to crack them open and look at the yolk?
I got my first eggs today 4 in total. One extra small the other 3 about the size of a chicken eggs. Ok my questions are. What do I do? Keep them in the coop, through them out, ahh I'm excited about this. I know they probably not good. Not sure yet who is the mom. No one is claiming them. I picked up all my girls and turned them over and only one felt like her pelvis might have open a bit. I seen this technique on YouTube. All seem the same but one. This is new for me and my ducks..

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