when chickens are "CHICKEN"


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 9, 2014
SE Iowa
So my chickens don't want to leave the coop!! and when they are out side in there pin (my fenced-in area plenty of space for all my chicks pulse more) they huddle next to each other normally in the corner were the coop meets the garage. some have split into two groups huddling in different spots but still huddling. they ignore the scratch feed as well.
any ideas to get them out and about with less fear, or at least with out me having to put them out and shut the door behind them? maybe only feed them in the yard? or other ideas?

Any ideas are welcome even beratement.

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LOL there's a reason we use the term chicken when someone afraid of something!

How old are they and how long have you had them in the coop?

Chickens are prey animals, if they are new to the coop and run they just need time to acclimate to their new surroundings..once they realize nothings gonna 'get' them, they'll loosen up.
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LOL there's a reason we use the term chicken when someone afraid of something!

How old are they and how long have you had them in the coop?

Chickens are prey animals, if they are new to the coop and run they just need time to acclimate to their new surroundings..once they realize nothings gonna 'get' them, they'll loosen up.
i was wondering if that might be the case i was worried i didn't get them outside soon enough or did something unrepairable to them like not hug them enough.

i just have the image in my head when i was a kid and it was my chore to let the chickens out feed, water and get eggs. They used to practically fly out of the coop and run around doing there business. so it kinda shocks me seeing them all huddled in balls of feathers.

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