when crossing leghorns

My kids wanted to hatchg a few eggs... so I have 5 white leghorn eggs in the 'bator and had my Wheaten Marans Roo in with them... these might be some ugly barnyards crosses but my kids will love them. The roo came from a very dark egg, wonder what I will get from these?
Well she started laying week ago and lays very nice eggs she was worth the experiment, i do own pure breeds but i just wanted to see what i could do with a commercial hyline hen with a darkbrown at least it might be worth ago breeding them back to the darkbrowns to improve there height, and give them more depth what is lacking in my browns.
Henri,By breeding the cross pullet back to the Dark Brown male you should get 50% Dark Browns and they should breed true.It is a good way to get some of the needed genes,like taller,better egg laying,and maybe better egg size.Worth a try and they will be 100% Leghorn.The other 50%will look like the white cross hen with dominant white.
Hmmm, well, interstingly enough I did the exact same thing with my heritage line of White Exhibition Rosecomb leghorns 2011 breeding season.

The F1 of this cross has not a single black feather, the roosters sport a brown breast, saddle and wing patches, all the roosters are identical to each other as well as the hens have nearly the same markings, but less contrast and appear almost buff from a distance.

The parents of this cross below :

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Here is a pic of the result, forgive the poor quality image but I think you can see the color and markings.

This roo was about 4 mos old at the time, the F1 hens have just started to lay for 2 weeks now and the production and egg
size already exceed that of the parent hens.

I will attempt better pics tomorrow.............

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Thanks ill be putting them together the week I'm sure it'll make a nice layer cross from what I'm reading

I've bred the white and brown leghorns yrs ago. Best results are from a very brassy white roo to a dark brown hen. What u get is a fairly normal looking white with a few black flecks and a few grayish "dirty" white birds. Breed the siblings together and the handful of colored birds are worth the effort. Sort of a red pyle look. Roos are mosstly white with red shoulders and hens are white with salmon colored breasts. I had mine for over 10 yrs and even at that age I got a ton of extra large white eggs

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